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Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Halu Oleo Law Review: Volume 6 Issue 2

Humanity Values on Reconciliation in Criminal Law: Indonesian Criminal Law Renewal Perspective

September 28, 2022


The aim of the paper is to explain humanitarian values on reconciliation of criminal law in the reform of the Penal Code. Reconciliation is a tool to accomplish a problem or law cases that occur in the private and public fields. Currently, reconciliation has been often used to resolve criminal cases, because this solution is more oriented toward human values. The research is library studies, so secondary data (journals, legal documents, and literature) is the main data. The result of the research shows that there are two approaches to discussing human values of reconciliation. Firstly, the values approach shows that reconciliation as consensus - discussion is an admission of guilt in the form of apology, which is containing equality values, rationality, frankness, righteousness, and transparency. Secondly, the policy approach indicates that consensus – the discussion has flexible value and is proportional.


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