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Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Halu Oleo Law Review: Volume 8 Issue 1

The Actio Pauliana Principle in Indonesian Business Law

March 7, 2024


In reality, the debtor who will be sentenced to bankruptcy, often avoids the legal consequences of the decision by transferring his assets to another party to ensure the creditor does not fully get his rights back. Therefore, in the bankruptcy law regulation, it is stated that the legal instrument for the Creditor (through the Curator) who feels aggrieved by the Debtor's legal actions is to file a lawsuit in the form of canceling the transaction. Such legal instruments are known as actio pauliana. Previously, actio pauliana was regulated in various legal rules, such as the Civil Code, Faillissements-Verordening, and Law no. 4 of 1998 concerning Bankruptcy. But nowadays, actio pauliana is regulated in Law no. 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Payments. Actio pauliana can be carried out against the debtor's legal actions that harm the creditor in relation to affiliation, grants, and debt payment. In its journey, actio pauliana did not run effectively, because not all creditors (cq. curators) used this instrument to reclaim their rights that had been harmed by the debtor. problem is the difficulty of proving the actio pauliana and legal protection for third parties who transact with the debtor.


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