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Vol. 8 No. 2 (2024): Halu Oleo Law Review: Volume 8 Issue 2

What is a Human Rights Response? Review Society's Role in Crime Prevention

August 15, 2024


The phenomenon of a high crime rate coupled with a lack of vigilance by law enforcement in addressing each case is noteworthy. As a result, individuals may occasionally find themselves compelled to tackle issues independently. Hence, society has a crucial role in eliminating crime, encompassing both general criminal activities and specific offenses such as criminal acts. This study seeks to determine whether the involvement of individuals who directly participate in law enforcement has an influence on the effectiveness of law enforcement. Prior to this study, no research has been undertaken in any field due to the prevailing belief that community involvement in legal matters would inevitably lead to violence or disorder because of its adverse consequences. The selected regions for sampling include Bone, Pinrang, Gowa, and Bantaeng. The community union is named Forbes, also known as the Common People's Forum. This forum will serve as a retaliatory measure against a multitude of wrongdoers. As Forbes takes responsibility for addressing crimes such as animal theft, property theft, and rape, it is reasonable for society to support and endorse this role. The outcomes are quite impressive. It can be asserted that no further criminal incidents took place from 1999 to 2003. In other words, society plays a highly influential role.


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